- Lavender Bouquet ~ Our most popular bar. Dried lavender and wild yarrow leaf provide exfoliation in a bouquet of indescribable delight. Scented with pure French lavender essential oil. Feel like a Victorian lady – or not, as you wish.
- Hibiscus & Peach ~ The sweet smell of golden ripe peaches accents the subtle floral mix of spicy hibiscus. What a treat for your senses. This unusual fragrance combination will stay with you.
- Ylang Ylang ~ Scented with ylang ylang essential oil, some think this is the ultimate scent. It is said to have a calming effect, providing balance, centering, grounding and relaxation.
These soaps may be used for hands and your whole body. Can be used on the face, or follow this link to our special facial bars. More links for more choices are here: working bars, french milled, herbal, scented, unscented, shampoo, and shaving bars
Ingredients: Goat milk soap base with essential and fragrance oils plus additions as listed above for exfoliation.
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